Test your new Bike Rack!
With the Instagram AR filter, you can bring PARAX wall mounts into your home via your phone camera.
Will my bike really fit in my apartment? Is the place on the wall the right one? How would it harmonize with my interior? The decision for a bike rack is often not easy and can depend on many factors.
The PARAX augmented reality filter for Instagram.
With it this filter, you can get the D-RACK directly to your home and try it out in any place within your four walls. You can find everything you need to do in the instructions below.
Print the following file: PARAX Logo.
Test PARAX wall mounts digitally in your home
Attach the logo to your desired location.
Visit via your smartphone our Instagram Channel “parax_germany” and click on the asterisks to go to our filter. Or click here and you get there directly.
Move the phone camera over the logo.
If it doesn’t work right, make sure there is enough lighting and move back and forth so the filter can be calibrated.
Augemented Reality Gallery